Friday, June 08, 2012

Heavy traffic build up in Enugu as Abakpa-Nike bridge collapses

The collapse of the 50-year-old Abakpa-Nike Bridge in
Enugu State capital Wednesday night following an intense
rainfall Thursday caused heavy traffic build up in the city,
cutting off close to one million residents of the city.
Residents of the densely populated Abakpa-Nike who
passed through the bridge late Wednesday evening woke
up Thursday morning to discover to their that the bridge
had collapsed, cutting them off from other parts of the city.
Although no life was lost in the disaster, it, however, caused
a major traffic problem for motorists plying Abakpa-Nike,
Emene and Trans-Ekulu axis Thursday as most residents of
the area were forced to return home, while some trekked to
their places of work, market and school.
Rosemary Obika, who leaves close to the bridge, said that
at about 7.00 pm that night, they heard a loud noise and
before they could get there, the bridge had already gone
“People scampered for safety as motorists and other road
users were diverted to Penoks area to avoid the collapsed
bridge," she said. " As this was going on, another section of
the bridge also collapsed and it completely cut off the
road . There was great confusion.”
On Thursday, Enugu State Government deployed Arab
Contractors, a construction company in the state, to the
location, while the bridge was barricaded as security men
kept vigil at the place.


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