Wednesday, June 06, 2012

(NEWS) How K-Solo & Wife Ended Their6months Old Marriage

Top music producer K-Solo married Kikelomo
Akinkunmi in November 2011. By May 2012, the
marriage was over. The wife told City People in an
exclusive interview that the marriage ended because
K-Solo was in it for money and also because he
assaulted her so much she lost the pregnancy she was
carrying when they got married.
According to Kikelomo…
K-Solo and I met on Facebook in April 2011 and
continued our friendship on Blackberry. We eventually
met face to face at a show in Eko Hotel in Lagos. I am
not really based in Lagos. I am always in Warri, Port
Harcourt, South Africa or Cameroon. I am always
traveling because of my business. But because of K-
Solo I started coming to Lagos frequently after we
started dating.
By August of 2011 we started having issues. He was
actually scamming one girl. One Leilani Ifeoma in
Houston, Texas. Apparently they have not met
physically, they met on the internet and she was also
into entertainment so K-Solo started scamming her,
collecting money from her and promising her
marriage. The day I got to know I was in his house. He
left his phone and stepped out, so I picked the call and
I told her I am K-Solo’s wife and the lady said it
wasn’t possible because they were planning to get
married. When I asked him about her, he said please
don’t mind her, and later said he was sorry. But when I
continued to demand for answers, he started beating
me despite the fact that I was pregnant. He carried a
lamp and threw at me.
Before then, when I met him, he told me he wanted to
shoot a video for his song ‘Ni Igboro; and said he
didn’t have money for it. I gave him N515, 000 for
the video shoot. I gave him another N100, 000 some
weeks before the video shoot. All through this I didn’t
know he had a girlfriend that he had been living with
for seven years. Each time I go to the studio, I see her
there with a K-Solo tattoo on her arm. When I asked
him who she was, he said she was his sister’s
daughter. I later found out that when I gave him the
money for the video shoot, he used half of it to
celebrate a birthday for Bimbo.
A few weeks later, the lady in the US, Ify, called his
phone and I picked it up. When I told him I’d picked
his call, he got angry and went outside the house to go
talk with the lady. He was begging the girl and lying
that I was his sister. He even asked her if she was
ready to sponsor their wedding. After listening in on
the conservation, I told him then and there that the
relationship was over, that I wanted my N515, 000
back. Not just that, I’d spend a lot of money on him.
He started begging and crying. A few days later, I
travelled to South Africa.
While in South Africa, he kept calling and begging
and I eventually for give him because I was pregnant
and he convinced me he was a changed man. He
actually told me he had gone for deliverance. That
was when we decided to get married. The only money
K-Solo spent on the wedding was N15, 000 for
wedding invites. I took care of everything. The cloth K-
Solo was wearing, my own, his pilot suits, clothes,
shoes, bag his mum wore, the feeding and drinks. I
did everything. I spend over N3.5 million.
On the night of the wedding, K-Solo woke me up
around 3am and said now that he’s my husband,
when am I going to make him a signatory to my
company’s account, and when am I going to change
all my property to his name. I got scared and first
thing in the morning I called my brother and told him
what happened. He advised me to move all my
documents, chequebooks out of the house, which I did.
Whenever I asked for money for feeding or upkeep,
he would shout at me and say ‘What’s the meaning of
that? Don’t you have more money than me? What did
I marry you for?
K-Solo started beating me up after the wedding and I
lost the baby I was carrying when we got married on
the 26th of November.
The marriage finally crashed in February 2012 when
he called me and told me that Timaya just bought a
Nigerian used Range Rover sport, that he wants me to
buy him a brand new Range Rover worth 7.5 million
and also put N10million in his account. I told him that
even if I had the money, I won’t do it because I expect
him to talk about how to invest money in productive
business and not buying Range Rover. Moreover, I
gave K-Solo N2million to pay for house rent for our 4-
bedroom home at Ogba Medium estate, but he only
gave the agent N1million and squandered the
remaining money to buy Hublot wrist watches,
Blackberry phones expensive shoes and designer
wears. When I pointed this out to him, he told me that
he will make the marriage miserable for me. On
February 14th, after a misunderstanding, K-Solo
packed a few of his things and moved to his mother’s
house. I left our home too but was advised to go back
since our marriage was still young. Because I wanted
to make it work, I took my brother to K-Solo’s
mother’s house to apologise to him and his mum. He
later returned home. But immediately he returned, he
asked me if I was ready to buy him the Range Rover
and I told him it wasn’t going to happen.
So in March we went to Shoprite and he wanted me to
buy two wine glasses that cost N2, 500 each. I
suggested that we should open our wedding gifts that
there definitely will be wine glasses somewhere, and
he just slapped me right there in Shoprite, and as he
was coming close to me I ran into the car park, he ran
after me, removed his belt and started beating me.
People started taking pictures of us and some guys
tried to drag him away, by then, my right eye started
bleeding. While they were trying to calm him down, he
ran away from them and went to carry a stone and
threw it at me, and I just passed out. I woke up in the
hospital and what he told my family was that I fell. he
started begging me and crying that it was the devil’s
After that beating, I stopped doing everything I used to
do financially in our home and he became very
frustrated and aggressive. But the marriage finally
packed on a particular night I came back home late
from going to buy fruits for the house. Immediately I
entered the house, he got up and started shouting at
me. He started coming close, and I tried to leave the
room, but he dragged me back, locked the door and
threw the key in the drawer. He started beating me,
slapping me and broke a coke bottle on my forehead.
I stood up and ran to the bathroom, he followed me,
took the mopping stick, broke it and started hitting my
stomach that the pregnancy must come out. By then I
was pregnant again. I was bleeding on my forehead,
and he picked up the washing machine in the
bathroom and threw it at me. I was just there bleeding
and lifeless, so finally some of his boys were able to
break the door and they started holding him back. The
guys tried to stop the bleeding on my forehead but
couldn’t stop the one underneath. They tried to take me
to the hospital but K-Solo prevented them. So I was
bleeding from 11pm to 7am the following morning,
which was when they finally took me to the hospital.
By the time I returned from the hospital, he had moved
his things from the house. That was when I discovered
that my trinkets box with gold over N2.5million was
missing and this was not the first time he’s stealing
from me. I wrote a petition to the commissioner of
police and on May 29th, the police went to pick him
up. The case is with the police and I told them all I
want is my trinkets back and for him to sign an
undertaken that he will never touch me again and
threaten to kill me. He has said he’s not the owner of
the pregnancy, which is fine with me. I don’t want him
to come close to the child and the child will not bear
his name.


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